Ciao a tutti.
Ho scoperto da poco la possibilità di sfruttare i file video con Metadata Active partendo da GoPro Studio ed importandoli in altri software di editing non lineare (NLE).
Vorrei usare questa utilissima funzione tra il software GoPro Studio e Final Cut Pro X.
ha funzionato egregiamente una volta sola, oserei dire per puro caso.
Io ho seguito la procedura descritta nel manuale di GoPro Studio (che posto qui sotto), e solo una volta ha funzionato come doveva. Tutte le altre volte, GoPro Studio sembra NON creare il file corredato da Active Metadata.
Ho provato di tutto ma senza successo... eppure una volta ha funzionato!
Che dire... qualcuno ha delle dritte?
Procedura da manuale:
As mentioned in the chapter “Understanding the Workflow”, GoPro Studio can be used as a stand-alone application or in tandem with other 3rd party applications. In this chapter we will discuss the latter workflow using GoPro Studio with other applications. The overall process for this workflow is as follows:
1. Convert your source files into GoPro CineForm files.
2. Apply Image Development and other Active Metadata adjustments to the GoPro CineForm files using GoPro Studio’s EDIT Room.
3. Take those same GoPro CineForm files (without exporting) into your other applications for editing.
4. Optionally switch back and forth between your other application and GoPro Studio to make further adjustments and enhancements to the files.
5. Export a high-quality master file in the other application using the GoPro CineForm codec.
NOTE: Some understanding of your 3rd party applications are required for a portion of this workflow. Please refer to the documentation included with those applications where necessary.
Importing GoPro CineForm Files
The process of importing and converting source files in this workflow is the same as if you were using GoPro Studio as a stand-alone application, so rather than repeat information that was already discussed, we’ll simply refer you to the chapter “Using the IMPORT Room”.