da milio182 » 16/11/2013, 16:19
Buonasera Lupin, ti incollo i post degli utenti:
Just took delivery of the new 3+ Black Edition yesterday, so I was eager today to do a few comparison shots against the 3 Black version. I've attached a couple of sample crops from the 40 or so shots I took, all at the same settings etc. As you can see I'm really hoping that I have a faulty 3+ and this isn't the actual quality! All of the shots from the 3+ were no way near as sharp as the 3, and all with a lot less detail. The 3+ images all look 'mushy' compared to the 3, as if a load of noise reduction is being applied? GoPro are claiming a 33% improvement in IQ with the help of its new lens etc - these results were not what I was hoping for
No problem. Two unprocessed shots from the 3 and 3+ Black Editions, both at 12MP. As you can see it looks as if the 3+ is having some sort of noise reduction applied? If you look at the stonework in the sea wall you can clearly see the difference in detail quality between the two cameras. Not good!
I've been in contact with the company I bought it from and they've offered me a refund. I'm reluctant at this stage to get a replacement as my gut feeling is that this is not a faulty camera but just how it is. They did say they thought that the 33% improved image quality claim by GoPro relates only to the video side of things and not stills?!
It does indeed seem as if some sort of compression is being applied to the jpegs. The image file size produced by the Hero3+ is approx half that of the Hero3. I've emailed GoPro directly to ask their advice
A me sinceramente le foto panoramiche dopo l'aggiornamento vengono meglio. Forse non era un problema di messa a fuoco ma solo di compressione.
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